Loan Smart on Facebook and LinkedIn
We use these platforms as a non-intrusive way of providing our clients, friends and “Followers” with a brief regular lending update – please check it out and don’t forget to “Like” us to stay in the loop.
My Credit File
This is where you are able to order a free copy of your own Credit File. This is what lenders access to help them determine your creditworthiness.
Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB)
This is the website for the Australian Foreign Investment Review Board. If you are not a permanent resident of Australia and are looking to purchase residential property you should check out this site to make sure you are aware of all the rules and regulations.
This is a website created by ASIC with lots of helpful tips and tools. Some of the calculators available include Budget Planner, Savings Goals and a number of Mortgage calculators just to name of few and is this is a website run by ASIC the financial regulator so all the information is available free and with no catches.
First Home Buyer Information
The links below are the government website (for each state) where you will find the latest information regarding the First Home Owners Grant (FHOG), Concessions for Transfer Duty for First Home buyers and general information on government costs associated with purchasing residential real estate.
Each state offers first home buyers grants and or concessions to help purchase their first home, the amounts do differ for each location, the links below will help provide you with the offerings each state has.