Anton Clarke is a lending specialist, property investor and founder of Loan Smart and Australian Expat Home Loans. His in-depth knowledge comes from more than 18 years in the industry. Anton can speak from personal experiences on the market and residential lending trends. Anton has been regularly called upon to comment in the media about the mortgage and property markets.
7 Proven Steps to Getting The Best Home Loan
It’s Not Rocket Science
Purchasing a home or investment property is one of the largest financial decisions you will make and this book is essential reading for anyone that is needing to finance their purchase.
Hundreds and thousands of borrowers in Australia are throwing their money away by choosing the wrong mortgage. In this easy-to-read book Anton covers the following topics:
Tips and tricks used by lenders
Fixed Rates V’s Variable Rates
Consider all the costs, it’s not just about the interest rate
What questions to ask your lender or mortgage broker
First Published in 2014 and Second edition in 2015
Choosing The Right Loan Structure For Your Investment Property
It’s Not Rocket Science
This book is essential reading for the first time property investor right through to the experienced investor who wants to make sure they have their existing loans structured correctly.
Becoming wealthy is a process that does not happen by chance. In this easy-to-read book Anton covers the following topics:
What’s so costly about the wrong loan set up
Cross Securitisation, fancy word, what does it really mean
So what is the correct loan structure
How to plan for the unexpected
First Published in 2014 and Second edition in 2015
Trouble free borrowing for Australian Expats
It’s Not Rocket Science
This book is essential reading for anyone who is working and living overseas but looking to buy residential property back home in Australia. Obtaining a mortgage can be complicated at the best of times, but that task can be a nightmare if the proper steps are not taken.
In this easy-to-read book Anton covers the following topics:
Currency & Taxation and how they can affect your max borrowing capacity
Setting realistic timelines for the total process to be done correctly
How to calculate the true cost of any loan
The right questions to be asking any lender
First Published in 2014 and Second edition in 2015
We are happy to post this (free of charge) book to our expats located overseas
Borrowing inside your SMSF to invest in property
It’s Not Rocket Science
In 2007 the Howard government made one of the most significant changes to the superannuation legislations in perhaps the past 20 years. This change created a number of excellent financial planning opportunities that all astute property investors must be aware of.
This book sets out how property investors can take full advantage of the superannuation borrowing rules to maximise wealth. Anton covers the following topics:
Pros and Cons of property investing in your SMSF
How much should the balance be in your super fund to get started
Errors to avoid
What are the steps involved
First Published in 2014 and Second edition in 2015