“Save the stress and headaches when buying property in Australia while you are living overseas.”
This report highlights The 7 Most Common Mistakes Made by Expat Borrowers that can cost you $’000.
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Investing in real estate, whether you’re at home in Australia or an expat living abroad, comes with some very serious considerations and legal requirements. That’s particularly true in the case of purchasing real estate while out of the country, Australian citizens living and working abroad will encounter numerous hurdles.
At Australian Expat Home Loans, we’ve been there before, and have seen potential investors derailed by the simplest mistakes. Knowledge is power, and we’ve developed our free report on the 7 Most Common Mistakes Made by Expat Borrowers in order to empower you.
Our free report is filled with information vital for all expat investors.
Written by mortgage broker Anton Clarke who has over 17 years’ experience helping borrowers.
Register now to download this free report.